The JHS Pedals 3 Series is a collection of pedals designed to come up with affordability and simplicity without compromising quality. Each and every 3 Series pedal is made by us in Kansas City, MO, the use of high-quality parts, quality keep an eye on, and attention to each and every detail. Each and every pedal has three simple controls and one toggle that offer quite a lot of sounds, perfect for beginners and professionals alike. The JHS 3 Series will inspire your playing and permit you to explore new sounds at a totally approachable price point. In the early 1980s, Brian Eno invented an effect known as “Shimmer,” which was once popularized in U2’s The Unforgettable Fire (1984). The effect mixed ambient reverb and octave effects in the reverb’s decay. The 3 Series Octave Reverb is our take on this classic effect that has been used for decades to allow the guitar to create pads and textures that fill out ambient space. Toggle up layers in upper octave sounds, whilst toggle down layers in lower octave sounds. The JHS Pedals 3 Series Delay runs on 9V DC Negative Center power and consumes 65 mA.
Made in Kansas City USA
Our take on Brian Eno’s classic “Shimmer” effect that has been used for decades to allow the guitar to create pads and textures that fill out ambient space
Toggle up layers in upper octave sounds, whilst toggle down layers in lower octave sounds
Runs on 9V DC Negative Center power and consumes 65 mA